Man Pleasing Chicken

Last night’s dinner was fancy (by my super low standards). You have got to try this recipe for Man Pleasing Chicken from Witty in the City… it is almost TOO good. And people will think you actually know how to cook stuff, so there’s that. The best part is how easy it is… I love when a recipe only has a few ingredients! And some you probably have some of this stuff already, especially if you cook more often than once a month like I do. A helpful tip… do NOT forget to line the pan with foil (like I have before) because that  baked on sauce will not come off your Pyrex dish no matter how long you scrub.

Make sure you put it close to the top so it gets extra crispy... AKA burnt.

Make sure you put it close to the top so it gets extra crispy… AKA burnt.

Annnnyway, I made my chicken with roasted Brussels sprouts (who knew I’ve been spelling that wrong forever?), which are incredibly easy to make (click here for a how-to from Whole Foods) and mashed potatoes. Told you I was fancy.

MPC plate

P.S. I have to confess that I had seconds of the chicken and the potatoes, but not the Brussels sprouts. Let’s not get crazy.

P.P.S. I kinda sorta kept up with RER’s 25 Days of Fitness Challenge today. Today’s day 2, and it involves a fun you-can-do-it-at-home workout. I had to modify the workout because of the stitches in my belly, but I got out there and moved a little even though I really didn’t want to. That’s what matters, yall.

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